Jan 29, 2005

Happy Sunday To You

I love Sundays! (the day of the week, not the ice cream treat) Especially Sundays like today, when the sun is shining, the wind is barely noticable, and all the snow on the streets and sidewalks turned to that brown sugar - like mush. I feel like I should be outside enjoying all this natural goodness, but unfortunatly, I have forced my procrastinating self into getting all the things done that I couldn't do while dog-sitting at Red's place this month. (laundry, house-cleaning, all the fun stuff). However, I did go for a brisk walk this morning to buy smokes and bread, and it took all my might to get myself back inside the house. Luckily it's early enough in the day, that I can get out again, if I get my ass in gear.

Sunday has always been my favorite day of the week, but now, since I don't have to work on Sundays, it's even better. Most people would choose Friday or Saturday, and even some love hump day Wednesday, but Sunday will forever be mine. It's the day of rest, and although I'm not religious, I like this little rule handed down by God. Sundays are good for sleeping in, re-engergizing from the past 2 nights of debauchery, going for an over-priced brunch, inviting friends over for coffee and board games, and when the weather is warm, it's the perfect day of the week for a BBQ and beers on a deck.

How can any other day of the week compete???

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