Jan 28, 2005

First Aid supplies are needed at the House of Pain!

I got home from my graveyard shift at 9:30am, watched a couple episodes of Dawson's Creek with V-Man, and I thought I would have a quick game of Scrabble, and go to bed. But as usual, something had to distract me from a good afternoon's sleep.

Have you ever had one of those moments, where you said to yourself "Shit, I'm tougher than I thought I was?", and were also thrilled with your ability to contain the curse words that were running through your head to a quiet whisper? I just had one of those moments. I was sitting here, minding my own business, losing horribly at a game of Scrabble, when I realized there was some foreign object stuck to the bottom of my foot. No big deal right? Probably just a crumb, or a chunk of cat food, right????? Well my friends, I freaking wish. Due to my mind being on my game, I instinctively, wiped the bottom of my bare foot, onto the top of my other bare foot, and soon realized...IT HAD BEEN A PIECE OF GLASS. So to make a long, gruesome story short, I had to pull the piece of glass out from the corner of my big toenail, which was blocking the blood from flowing, so I hopped all over the house, trying not to wake the roomate and her boyfriend, while bleeding profusly all over the floor, searching in vain for a band-aid or something or other. I eventually found myself a nice flourescent blue band-aid, and cleaned up my mess, but now I can't fall asleep, due to the adrenaline rush of almost losing my toe caused me. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit about losing my toe, but damn it's gross. Thankfully it's not quite sandal season yet!

I guess the question of the day is, where did the glass come from? I think I know. I vaguely recall an impromtu sock hop in our living room a few weeks ago, when someone, can't remember who, broke their glass, and Hobbsley danced right on into it and cut the shit out of his feet. But I swear me and the roomate cleaned it up! Could we have missed that one little bugger piece of a pint glass? We must have. And lucky me, I found it. So until I get that all the floors, swept, mopped and vacuumed, I don't think I'll be getting any sleep. Plus, I'm going to wear shoes for the rest of the day, to try to avoid any other stray fragments.

I guess it really doesn't matter if I don't sleep this afternoon anyway. I don't have to go back to work until tomorrow night. It's Friday today, but I have no plans to go out on the town, and I don't think there is anything interesting going on tonight with my friends. My plan before this horrific tragedy, was to sleep for a few hours, go to the liquor store, and get supplies to make Kahlua. But I guess we'll see where the road takes me, and go back to the original plan of yesterday, which was to make no plans, and get some rest and relaxation for the first time in my life. And possibly clean my room and do some laundry.

Well, since I am obviously babbling, most likely due to lack of sleep, I should sign off here. I hope that all of you who do have plans for this wonderful Friday evening, enjoy yourselves, and I'll keep you posted on what I made my mind up on to do, if it ends up being something worth mentioning.

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