Jan 24, 2005

Dr. Phil would have an aneurysm if he had to deal with us!

I'm such a wimp. I feel like absolute crap today, so I called in sick for work. I always feel bad about not going to work, mostly due to the kind of job I have. You can miss so much in one day. Also, my co-workers are all amazing, and if someone comes to work sick, tired etc, they always take that into account. I've definatly felt worse than I do today and gone to work, but I feel burned out as well as sick, and I figured, "Hey, I haven't taken a sick day in like 2 years, so why not rest up and feel better tomorrow?", and it makes sense but I still feel bad. But the girl who is working for me tonight said she really needs the hours and the money, so I guess I made someone's day, which makes me feel a whole lot better about this skipping work issue.

But to brighten my day, I was happy to check the mail (and my email) to see that some happy birthday wishes have come my way over the weekend. I don't think it matters how old you get, getting that card in the mail stuffed with money, lottery tickets or a letter is always exciting! I was especially happy to get a letter from AJ. She really does write the best letters, and I never get to see her as much as I want, so at least I always know that around my b-day, I'm getting a funny, informative update on her life and the life of her kids.p>

Growing up, and still to this day I guess, I have been lucky enough to have been surrounded by ( without a doubt )the strongest, most independent, caring women I know, may they be grandmothers, aunts, or cousins and I credit them, and, of course, my mother for making me the woman I am today, in their own little ways. Whether they made a concious effort or not, I don't know, but I was always observing them, looking up to them, and eventually copy-catting them in some form or another. But for many reasons, AJ always intrigued me the most. She's not perfect, and she's had one hell of an unlucky run at life at times. I can't think of a single person I know, who has gone through what she has. No matter what life has thrown at her, she has never lost her incredible spirit. She has and always will be one who is full of life, loves a good laugh, some good conversation, and is always there for you if and when you need her. When she's around, no matter what the situation is, she brings out the best in people, most notably younger women. Even girls who aren't related to her call her 'Auntie'. She (along with my mother) have always reminded myself and alot of other relatives of mine, young and old, why family is so important. They may not always vocalize it , but boy, do they show it through their actions, their stories, and the way they pass on family traditions. (My favorite being the 'family theme-songs' their uncles and aunts sang when they were kids. ) Because of them, we will all do the same to our kids, and our kids will tell their kids, and so on, and no one will ever be forgotten or feel unloved.

My immediate and extended families are far from perfect. We fight, we fail, we drink, we smoke, we go without speaking for stupid reasons. We have divorcees, widows, alcoholics, rebellious teenagers, illegitimate children and some people who could do well with some anger-management counselling. I guess some people would call us disfunctional, but I believe we are perfectly functional. When push comes to shove, and the worst of the worst has happened to any one of us, no matter where we are, what issues we have with each other, or what other things we have going on in our lives, we have always come together, forgotten all those things for a moment, put some perogies on the stove, and dealt with whatever was going on as a family.

And we had fun doing it.

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