Mar 23, 2005

March came in like a lamb, and is going out like a hormonal byotch

First off, I must apologize to those who have asked me why I haven't been writing anything lately. Diaryland has been extremely busy lately, at the times I would normally post ( in the morning, or in the middle of the night), so when the servers busy, I can't do a damn thing. Also, I really haven't had much to say....actually, it's more like I'm following the old "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all" rule this week. That we go.....

This most recent snow squall we've lived through, as well as the dropping temperatures, has got me pining for the days of summer. Although this winter was much more mild than the last, I've had about enough. In the last year, we have had no spring at all, a very short summer , followed by 2 days of fall, and more winter. I am praying that we have a beautiful, sloppy spring, and a perfectly sunny, calm summer, to raise everyone's spirits a few notches on the spirit scale.

I have had enough of wearing socks and big heavy coats and picking out the right shoes to wear everyday. I want to throw on a pair of sandals, leave my jacket in the closet, and run out of the house on a moment's notice, all without having to check the Weather Channel for storm warnings.

I want to spend too much money, sitting on a patio talking and laughing and drinking with friends and strangers alike until the wee hours.

I want to use my umbrella I got for Christmas, while I run through the pouring rain, dodging puddles, and looking up in the sky for signs of sunshine and rainbows.

I can't wait to get that first sunburn of the year. That is always the day that I realize, it is without a doubt summer, and it will hurt to wear a bra for about a week. I haven't used the can of Solarcaine I made Cookeroo go by me one day after a day at the waterslides for 2 years. I know, I should be using sunscreen....blah blah blah.

That sunburn is always a nice base for a great upper body tan. Too bad my legs don't burn.

I need to experience more unforgettable nights, sitting outside drinking and talking to someone until we realize the sun is coming we stop talking and watch it.

I am more excited about camping on the July long weekend than I was about St. Paddy's Day.

Some people hate the smell of campfire smoke on their clothes. I never wash my summer jackets, so they probably hate the smell of me.

I want to sit on the grass and watch a free concert. Then hit the beer tent and gawk at the performers getting drunk in the beer tent with the 'common folk'.

I am secretly wishing my mom doesn't sell the house, so I can wield an axe to chop wood and have a fire in her backyard. And go for a hike up the hill in the field with my cousins after we've had too many beers sitting around that fire.

I want to walk through the park with my group home gals, and make them stop to listen to the performers at the bandstand, whether they like it or not.

I want to mock Brent Butt, while sitting at the pub, 'cause I get the impression he thinks he's better than me. (ok, maybe that ones all in my head)

And finally, I want to rock and roll all night and party everyday for 2-3 months, and still get to work on time when need be.



Since I am still plagued by insomnia, I have added a photo album for y'all to click through. Enjoy.

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