I want to write. I want to tell you fantastic stories that will break your heart and blow your mind. I want to write beautiful songs that make you think, and make you cry, make you furious, and maybe even make you want to put your dancing shoes on.
I want to be creative. I want to get these sewing projects finished, so I can do my own thing.
I want to go out dancing. I want to shake my booty, and lose myself in the music on the dance floor for a few hours. I want to sweat, and smile and do the running man, to make you laugh. I want to show the bar stars what the dance floor is all about.
I want a holiday. A holiday far, far away. A holiday to end all holidays. Full of misadventure, and exercise and new people and drinking and writing and dancing.
But for now, I'll just have to settle for a glass of stale beer, and some singing in my bedroom, followed by a short sleep in my uncomfortable bed, because I have to be back at work in a few short hours.
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