Feb 11, 2005

Hey people, go order those fleurs, there's only 3 more sleeps!

Well, Valentine's Day is upon us, and for you lovey dovey folk, I'm sure your hearts are all a flutter, and plans are under way to spend enormous amounts of money on cards, flowers, dinners and cheap hotel rooms. I myself, will be working, and then sleeping all day, so thankfully, I will not have to worry about being gazed upon with pitiful looks of "Oh that poor single 20-something, she probably wants to slit her wrists" all day long. To those people who do feel sorry for us single folk, please don't. There's no need. And for you single gals sitting at home feeling lonely and depressed, call up your other single friends, and go do shooters at a dingy bar or something. You aren't missing out on a damn thing.

Maybe I say that, because well, I've never in my life celebrated a Valentine's Day, in a relationship or not, and I don't feel like less of a woman because of it. ( Ok, actually, J gave me my first Valentine's celebration in high school, but we didn't really spend money, we just laid in my bed and hung out, which was super sweet at the time) I've never received flowers, or gone out for an expensive supper. And it never bothered me, because I never expected anything. If you don't expect the romance to come, it's not such a let down when that fact is realized. I truly believe that we do not need a Hallmark sponsored holiday on the calendar, for an excuse to show our love and appreciation for our significant other. If you need to set aside a day, then something is wrong. You should try and be spontaneous and romantic on the other 364 days of the year as well, and then maybe V-Day wouldn't have so much build-up to it. Or so much disappointment afterwards, when your sig. other forgets, or doesn't live up to your expectations you have set for that day. I guess it's the same thing with Christmas, it really shouldn't be about the gifts, it should be about love and family, but it isn't.

Well, I am sure I am tripping out all you folks with a love buzz going on, so I'll stop it. If you're excited, power to you, hope all goes well, and your honey is worth the money you're spending. At least you all know you're getting laid, and hey, sometimes, in a relationship, that's all you really wish for. Go forth and spread love, my brothers and sisters!! _________________________________

* Hey fellow bloggers, check out this news story and beware of getting in shit at work.

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