1. Random hot hippie guy chatted me up, told me I was cute, and asked for my phone number while I was pumping gas.
2. I had to tell him no, obviously, but I smiled and giggled about how I "still had it" for the rest of the day.
3. Did I mention I hadn't combed my hair, and was in my sweat pants?
4. I got to come home later that night, and cuddle up to Smyrish.
5. I told him about the hippie guy trying to pick me up, and he threatened to find him and beat him up.
6. Which made me feel super loved, and hot.
Jan 30, 2009
Jan 26, 2009
Finally, I'm Thirty.

My birthday party was an absolute blast.
I got presents, and cupcakes, kisses and hugs, free drinks, and got to visit, and dance and sing with my whole gaggle of friends. We pretty much filled both bars we hit, and it was just wonderful to see everyone, and to see them have a good time.
The day didn't start out well. I was dreading my party, and the surprises that Smyrish was planning for me. I don't do well with surprises...I'm a control freak, and like to plan everything myself. I was better the second I walked into The Pub. No one embarrassed me, they just made me laugh, with custom made buttons and an 8 foot tall cardboard cut out of The Unknown Poet, whom I wished could be with me, but couldn't.
Thanks to everyone who was there for the presents, the surprises and the love.
You sure made me feel special, and helped me prove to myself than I can still party like it's 1999.
Jan 23, 2009
Grace in Small Things #7
1. New to me sewing supplies, that smell old. Mmmm. Thank you Saviabella's mom!
2. An afternoon of "The Facts of Life", Season One.
3. Waking up to find a heart-shaped chocolate on a stick under my face. Did I mention that the word "love" was written on it in white chocolate? :)
4. Only one more sleep until my 30th birthday party.
5. Finally getting that chin whisker plucked, after a week of waiting for it to be long enough.
6. Drinking green tea, while talking on the phone with your best friend.
2. An afternoon of "The Facts of Life", Season One.
3. Waking up to find a heart-shaped chocolate on a stick under my face. Did I mention that the word "love" was written on it in white chocolate? :)
4. Only one more sleep until my 30th birthday party.
5. Finally getting that chin whisker plucked, after a week of waiting for it to be long enough.
6. Drinking green tea, while talking on the phone with your best friend.
Jan 22, 2009
Day of Disgrace in Small Things
1. I said something really really mean last night to someone I love, for no reason what so ever.
2. I have no idea how to fix what I said.
3. My friends all agree I am a total asshole.
4. However, none of them will punch me in the face, even though I've asked them nicely.
5. I wasn't happy about having to work an 18 hour shift today, but now I feel I deserve the torture.
6. To top it all off, I have no clean socks or underwear.
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a little bit better, but I'm doubting it.
2. I have no idea how to fix what I said.
3. My friends all agree I am a total asshole.
4. However, none of them will punch me in the face, even though I've asked them nicely.
5. I wasn't happy about having to work an 18 hour shift today, but now I feel I deserve the torture.
6. To top it all off, I have no clean socks or underwear.
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a little bit better, but I'm doubting it.
about me,
day of grace,
stupid jerk-face shithead
Jan 17, 2009
Grace in Small Things #6
1. Even though I stayed up way too late for no reason, I feel rested today.
2. I think it helped that I got to hang out with Schmutzie and Pocket Buddha for a few minutes before I went to bed.
3. My brain is feeling creative, and I just might hit the craft store today.
4. I don't have to work today, or tomorrow. You "working-for-the-weekend" types may not understand why this is so wonderful, because you always get weekends off. I do not, and am grateful when I do.
5. Instructables is awesome, and just killed half of my morning.
6. There isn't much housework to do today. Phew!
7. I have lost another 4 pounds. So that totals 10 lost pounds in a month. Not that you can tell, but whatever.
8. Smyrish moved the cardboard out of the hallway.
9. It is not -50C today. At this moment, it is a summery -8C, and I am told it will warm up even more. Who wants to hit the beach?
10. My moccasins are my new best friend. Thank you, Knuckle Toes!
2. I think it helped that I got to hang out with Schmutzie and Pocket Buddha for a few minutes before I went to bed.
3. My brain is feeling creative, and I just might hit the craft store today.
4. I don't have to work today, or tomorrow. You "working-for-the-weekend" types may not understand why this is so wonderful, because you always get weekends off. I do not, and am grateful when I do.
5. Instructables is awesome, and just killed half of my morning.
6. There isn't much housework to do today. Phew!
7. I have lost another 4 pounds. So that totals 10 lost pounds in a month. Not that you can tell, but whatever.
8. Smyrish moved the cardboard out of the hallway.
9. It is not -50C today. At this moment, it is a summery -8C, and I am told it will warm up even more. Who wants to hit the beach?
10. My moccasins are my new best friend. Thank you, Knuckle Toes!
Jan 7, 2009
25 Things About Abigail Road
The lovely Saviabella tagged me to do this over on Facebook, and I thought, "Well heck, I'll just blog it." This was a few days ago, and I have finally just finished the list. My brain could only handle writing a couple sentences a day this week.
I've done so many of these lists over the years, I'm not really sure what else there is to tell you about me. But, I am willing to give it a shot, and hopefully I won't repeat myself too much.
1. I'm not a neat freak by any means, but I have a huge issue with clutter. I can't concentrate on anything else, until the area that I'm sitting in is tidied up.
2. This means that sometimes, I don't get anything fun accomplished, because I'm too busy worrying about dirty dishes, or paper on the floor.
3. I wish that I had this problem in my car...like I wouldn't be able to drive it, until it was clean. My car is a disgusting mess.
4. I have decided, that I want to have Smyrish's babies.
5. Some of you may recall, that a couple years ago, I said I didn't want to have babies at all. I thought they would ruin my carefree lifestyle. I still think that, but I'm okay with it. I think we can work it out.
6. I now own more kitchen appliances than I have pairs of pants.
7. I hate pants. When you're fat, pants just never feel right.
8. If my life depended on it, I could not keep a plant alive.
9. After watching "The Happening" I had to wonder if one day all of my sick plants would band together and kill me. I wouldn't blame them one bit.
10. I am a word nerd. I take pleasure in sitting and reading the dictionary. It is my favorite book. When I was a kid, I'd take my parents monster encyclopedic dictionary to bed with me to read.
11. I have memorized all the 2 and 3 letter words in Scrabble. I am working on memorizing all the "Q" and "Z" words in the Scrabble dictionary.
12. I have a huge problem with using the Scrabble dictionary during play, for anything other than challenging an opponents word. It is cheating, and takes way too long to complete a game.
13. Because of this, I cannot play Scrabble with some of my friends, and if I do, I have to bite my tongue.
14. There is a note, and I don't know what note, that singers hit, that makes me cry the second I hear it. Maybe it is the emotion in their pitch.
15. If I am alone in my car, I just let the tears buck. Taylor Swift got me yesterday, and this past weekend, Cat Stevens hit it, and I could hardly see the road through my tears.
16. If I hear it, and I am in the company of others, I have to work my ass off to keep myself together. Not everyone can hit that note, whatever it is.
17. I wish I could hit that note.
18. Although, I might feel like a douche bag if I made people cry with the sound of my voice.
19. If I wear a grey shirt, I will sweat through it in no time. I don't know what it is about the color grey that makes my armpits leak so much.
20. Because of this, I avoid wearing grey, and stick to other colors that don't make me sweat. ( Note: I have no idea why grey makes me sweat, it just does.)
21. Thanks to years of being in band, and waitressing, I absolutely despise black dress pants and white shirts. They can suck it, far as I'm concerned.
22. I don't really like the word "rhythm" I don't like the way it is spelled, nor how it looks when written out or typed. I just realized that this morning, after I read a friend's status update on Facebook, which included the aforementioned word.
23. I do however wish I had more rhythm.
24. I love to cook, and throw dinner parties. It's the Ukrainian baba in me.
25. If you are in my neighborhood, and find yourself awake in the middle of the night, check the courtyard of my building. I'm probably out there battling insomnia, and smoking a cigarette.
I've done so many of these lists over the years, I'm not really sure what else there is to tell you about me. But, I am willing to give it a shot, and hopefully I won't repeat myself too much.
1. I'm not a neat freak by any means, but I have a huge issue with clutter. I can't concentrate on anything else, until the area that I'm sitting in is tidied up.
2. This means that sometimes, I don't get anything fun accomplished, because I'm too busy worrying about dirty dishes, or paper on the floor.
3. I wish that I had this problem in my car...like I wouldn't be able to drive it, until it was clean. My car is a disgusting mess.
4. I have decided, that I want to have Smyrish's babies.
5. Some of you may recall, that a couple years ago, I said I didn't want to have babies at all. I thought they would ruin my carefree lifestyle. I still think that, but I'm okay with it. I think we can work it out.
6. I now own more kitchen appliances than I have pairs of pants.
7. I hate pants. When you're fat, pants just never feel right.
8. If my life depended on it, I could not keep a plant alive.
9. After watching "The Happening" I had to wonder if one day all of my sick plants would band together and kill me. I wouldn't blame them one bit.
10. I am a word nerd. I take pleasure in sitting and reading the dictionary. It is my favorite book. When I was a kid, I'd take my parents monster encyclopedic dictionary to bed with me to read.
11. I have memorized all the 2 and 3 letter words in Scrabble. I am working on memorizing all the "Q" and "Z" words in the Scrabble dictionary.
12. I have a huge problem with using the Scrabble dictionary during play, for anything other than challenging an opponents word. It is cheating, and takes way too long to complete a game.
13. Because of this, I cannot play Scrabble with some of my friends, and if I do, I have to bite my tongue.
14. There is a note, and I don't know what note, that singers hit, that makes me cry the second I hear it. Maybe it is the emotion in their pitch.
15. If I am alone in my car, I just let the tears buck. Taylor Swift got me yesterday, and this past weekend, Cat Stevens hit it, and I could hardly see the road through my tears.
16. If I hear it, and I am in the company of others, I have to work my ass off to keep myself together. Not everyone can hit that note, whatever it is.
17. I wish I could hit that note.
18. Although, I might feel like a douche bag if I made people cry with the sound of my voice.
19. If I wear a grey shirt, I will sweat through it in no time. I don't know what it is about the color grey that makes my armpits leak so much.
20. Because of this, I avoid wearing grey, and stick to other colors that don't make me sweat. ( Note: I have no idea why grey makes me sweat, it just does.)
21. Thanks to years of being in band, and waitressing, I absolutely despise black dress pants and white shirts. They can suck it, far as I'm concerned.
22. I don't really like the word "rhythm" I don't like the way it is spelled, nor how it looks when written out or typed. I just realized that this morning, after I read a friend's status update on Facebook, which included the aforementioned word.
23. I do however wish I had more rhythm.
24. I love to cook, and throw dinner parties. It's the Ukrainian baba in me.
25. If you are in my neighborhood, and find yourself awake in the middle of the night, check the courtyard of my building. I'm probably out there battling insomnia, and smoking a cigarette.
Jan 5, 2009
Grace in Small Things #5
1. Aquacise class kicks ass.
2. The apartment is so quiet right now, that the computer hum is almost deafening. I am, alone. :)
3. I can breathe through one nostril.
4. I don't have to work until 3pm tomorrow.
5. The hallway is almost painted, and looks beautiful.
6. I have enough leftover booze from Xmas and New Year's, that I'm stocked until this cold snap gives.
7. Clean linens...mmmm....
8. I get to see my friends on Saturday! Yay!
9. My new online shop will soon be open for business.
10. Thanks to a burst of creativity, and Smyrish buying me a new camera.
2. The apartment is so quiet right now, that the computer hum is almost deafening. I am, alone. :)
3. I can breathe through one nostril.
4. I don't have to work until 3pm tomorrow.
5. The hallway is almost painted, and looks beautiful.
6. I have enough leftover booze from Xmas and New Year's, that I'm stocked until this cold snap gives.
7. Clean linens...mmmm....
8. I get to see my friends on Saturday! Yay!
9. My new online shop will soon be open for business.
10. Thanks to a burst of creativity, and Smyrish buying me a new camera.
Jan 4, 2009
Hello 2009! Where's My Hover Board?
Well, it is 2009. We're not living on Mars or The Moon, and none of my friends have flying cars or hover boards yet, so I'm guessing this year will be about the same as the last few, globally. Which is okay, because I must admit, I have a phobia of moving to Mars, and having to fly through space in a rocket ship. And, I'm afraid of heights, so my car best be stayin' on the ground.
I never in a million years thought that this year would be so big for me. If you had asked me at 27 what I thought 2009 would bring, I must admit, I thought it was going to be exactly the same as 2007 and 2008.
In 2009, I am turning thirty. I am getting married. I will be planning for children, a trip to Thailand with Smyrish, a trip to Europe with Wench. It will be a mish-mash of what I believe to be married plans, and free-spirited single girl plans, and I just hope I can do it all with some class, sanity, and a smile.
And, boy, am I excited. It sure is nice to have things to look forward to!
I never in a million years thought that this year would be so big for me. If you had asked me at 27 what I thought 2009 would bring, I must admit, I thought it was going to be exactly the same as 2007 and 2008.
In 2009, I am turning thirty. I am getting married. I will be planning for children, a trip to Thailand with Smyrish, a trip to Europe with Wench. It will be a mish-mash of what I believe to be married plans, and free-spirited single girl plans, and I just hope I can do it all with some class, sanity, and a smile.
And, boy, am I excited. It sure is nice to have things to look forward to!
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