A nice hot shower and clean clothes helped me feel a bit more alert, and less like a smelly hobo.
Grocery shopping with Smyrish, is always an adventure.
I cooked a pot roast for supper, along with green bean casserole, stuffing, steamed carrots, wild rice, and of course, gravy.
I had a bubble bath, and a glass of wine or three.
I got my CSI fix for the day. Two hours of Grissom, always makes me happy and scrappy.
Smyrish and I sat together and wrote Xmas cards to our friends and family, while having a schnick, of course. Some of my Xmas cards, are a little bit silly thanks to the wine. I hope those who receive them, can appreciate my I'm-a-little-bit-tipsy Xmas humour.
Mr. Head and I had a nice chat over the Interweb.
And now, I am having a beer, watching "Family Business", and perusing my friends Etsy shops. (One day, I will actually purchase.)
For a day that started out so craptastically, it sure did turn out pretty swell. Now if only Aunt Flo would move along, life would be grand.

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