May 31, 2005

Procrastinating since 1979!

Instead of writing the article I am supposed to be writing for Hobbsley, I have been endlessly surfing the InterWeb, and piddling about the house. Not that I haven't done anything today, I took my bicycle in to get repaired and went for a fantastic lunch with the B-Rock, before chain-smoking in the sunshine soaked backyard of the House of Pain, and pondering about how to get rid of those feckin' dandilions that have overrun the entire garden. ( I do however, finally understand why my parents hate the pretty little yellow weeds so much! )

I really am the biggest, baddest procrastinator of them all, and I have a feeling I'll be pumping out an article or two in the wee hours of the night, while I'm at work, instead of doing the work I get paid to do there. I have a horrible habit that forces me to do anything but the job/chore/activity that needs to be accomplished on any given day, successfully filling my day with activities that need not have been done right that moment. Maybe there's a pill out there that I can take for that. I'll have to check my Spam folder, I'm sure some focker is out there peddling online drugs that cure procrastination.


And I thought I was wasting my time. Or maybe I'm just jealous that I have neither the time, nor the money to do what he's doing.

Dick Cheney. What a man, what a man. Watch the doc about his Ascent to Power online.

I've become addicted to reading Moby's thoughts.

After receiving many, many invitations, I finally have joined Hi5. I really don't understand what the purpose is, if I want to stay connected to friends, I call them, email them, or get a plane to write a note in the sky for me. I guess it's fun to check out just how I'm connected to certain people. It's a good thing for nosy people I guess!

I'm liking HyperDictionary.

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