Nov 28, 2008

Grace in Small Things #1

The other day, as I was catching up on every one's weblog entries of the past week or so, I noticed that a whole lot of people are joining in on Schmutzie's "365 Days of Grace Challenge".

I am not exactly a follower, so I didn't join in. It was a nice idea, but I didn't think that I could think of a list of nice things every day to be thankful for.

Then I realized, that that is exactly why I should do it.

I spend too much time thinking and talking about the things that upset me, annoy me, and just in general drive me freakin' crazy. I don't always have something nice to say, even though I know it's there. Not everything in life sucks, the majority of things are wonderful and lovely, I just don't always pay attention in my day to day go-to-work-clean-the-house-listen-to everyone-bitch-and-complain-never-get-a-moment-to-myself life.

There is no way I can do the whole 365 day thing all in one shot. I don't even have computer access some days. However, I think I can shoot for once a week at the very least, and I will continue on until I've done 365 of these lists. Maybe it will be good for me. Let us cross our fingers.

Today, I am grateful for......

Smyrish. I am so lucky to have found someone who loves me in spite of all my quirks.

The fact that my mom is healthy and well.

My ability to speak and write out my frustrations. I spend every day with people who are unable to communicate their wants and needs, their frustrations, or why they are sad/mad/happy, and never will be able to communicate as effectively as I try to.

Well, it's a short list to start out with, but it is, a start.

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

dk said...

Yeah Smyrish and Jo and writing and the fact that Abigail is ALSO unwilling to commit to 365 days in a row ;) If I can't do 30 days in a row, that might be more challenge than I need and I really don't need to beat myself up about one more committment dropped ;)