1. His big smile. You should see his eyes light up when that big grin covers his face.
2. The way he can fall asleep, anywhere, anytime. Sure, I tease him, but really, I think it's pretty cute.

4. Even when he hasn't brushed his teeth, I want to kiss his soft, sweet lips.
5. He reminds me to not stress out over the small stuff, and to only worry about the big things in life.
6. Even though he is younger than me, he never makes me feel old.
7. He is goofy and hyper in a way that I will never be, but I love how his energy rubs off on me, and those around him.
8. I don't care what he says, he has the sweetest ass in town.
9. Our relationship is so far from dramatic, it took me awhile to get used to it. Now, I love the calm and the comfort we have.
10. I tell him to stop it, and leave me alone, but it's pretty funny when he tries to put his fingers up my nose.
11. Whenever I am feeling gross and ugly, he tells me he thinks I am beautiful. And I know he means it.
12. When he snuggles up to me on the couch, he reminds me of a kitten.
13. Watching him with children and babies gets my ovaries roaring.
14. He wants to experience as much as possible in life, and I see many adventures in our future. I can't see us ever being bored.
15. He is comfortable talking to everyone. The crazy people downtown, my family and people he has just met.
16. I love that he writes me little notes that say "I think you're super!", and adds to my "to-do" lists when he sees them with things like "Spank Smyrish's sweet ass".

18. Doing nice things like bringing me and Knuckle Toes food when we're stuck in our festival booth, and offering to help around the house or pick up my mom, comes completely natural to him. You don't see that as often as you should, these days, people you know you can count on, no matter what, and expect nothing in return.
19. Sometimes, I just want to crawl into that big brain of his, and find out where all his crazy and wonderful ideas come from.
20. When he is around, I know that I am safe, and everything will be okay.
21. He gives great back rubs, and always helps me put lotion on my back when I am itchy.
22. He is open-minded and accepts people for they are. And he accepts me for who I am, even when I am moody, stressed out and acting like I'm from CrazyTown. He acknowledges the fact that I can be a real weirdo, but puts up with me anyways. I know I can just be me when I'm with him, and I never have to put on an act to make him happy.
23. He loves my friends, and my friends love him, we get along with each other's relatives and we're all just one big happy family.
24. He has the cutest bed head I've ever seen. The site of a cowlick has never made me so happy inside.
25. I don't know if he knows it, but he makes me want to be a better person, for myself, and for the good of the earth.
26. He is one of a kind, and I'm lucky he's mine.
That was way too easy. I could have gone on forever I think. But maybe I'll save the rest for next year.
Happy birthday, Smyrish. I hope your birthday party kicks royal ass, and I'll see you after I'm finished ogling Hawksley.
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