Jan 4, 2013

Grace in Small Things #77

1. Polenta!

2. Still having leftover beer from Christmas in Kamsack. There was a time when this never would have happened. I am proud of myself for getting my drinking under control, and for being able to save some in the fridge for special days like today!

3. Getting my Facebook fan page photo albums in order. Finally. ( https://www.facebook.com/abigail.road)

4. Finding a free wooden futon on our afternoon walk. It's going to be turned into much needed shelves for books and/or plants! Yeehaw! Also, it was very light, so I was actually okay with carrying it.

5. Dogs that shake their bums when they're happy.

6. Bonfires in January!

7. Crossing things off the "to-do" list.

8. New calendars.

9. The FX channel.

10. Being able to play Scrabble with friends all over the country. Go, Internet!

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